
Docker-ce for mac
Docker-ce for mac

docker-ce for mac

Version : ' 2.2' services : mytb : restart : always image : " thingsboard/tb-postgres" ports : - " 8080:9090" - " 1883:1883" - " 7070:7070" - " 5683-5688:5683-5688/udp" environment : TB_QUEUE_TYPE : aws-sqs TB_QUEUE_AWS_SQS_ACCESS_KEY_ID : YOUR_KEY TB_QUEUE_AWS_SQS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY : YOUR_SECRET TB_QUEUE_AWS_SQS_REGION : YOUR_REGION # These params affect the number of requests per second from each partitions per each queue. Version : ' 2.2' services : zookeeper : restart : always image : " zookeeper:3.5" ports : - " 2181:2181" environment : ZOO_MY_ID : 1 ZOO_SERVERS : server.1=zookeeper:2888:3888 zookeeper:2181 kafka : restart : always image : wurstmeister/kafka depends_on : - zookeeper ports : - " 9092:9092" environment : KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT : zookeeper:2181 KAFKA_LISTENERS : INSIDE://:9093,OUTSIDE://:9092 KAFKA_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS : INSIDE://:9093,OUTSIDE://kafka:9092 KAFKA_LISTENER_SECURITY_PROTOCOL_MAP : INSIDE:PLAINTEXT,OUTSIDE:PLAINTEXT KAFKA_INTER_BROKER_LISTENER_NAME : INSIDE volumes : - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock mytb : restart : always image : " thingsboard/tb-postgres" depends_on : - kafka ports : - " 8080:9090" - " 1883:1883" - " 7070:7070" - " 5683-5688:5683-5688/udp" environment : TB_QUEUE_TYPE : kafka TB_KAFKA_SERVERS : kafka:9092 volumes : - ~/.mytb-data:/data - ~/.mytb-logs:/var/log/thingsboard See corresponding architecture page and rule engine page for more details. Useful if you plan to deploy ThingsBoard on Azure.Ĭonfluent Cloud is a fully managed streaming platform based on Kafka. Useful if you plan to deploy ThingsBoard on Google Cloud.Īzure Service Bus is a fully managed message queuing service from Azure. Google Pub/Sub is a fully managed message queuing service from Google. Useful if you plan to deploy ThingsBoard on AWS. RabbitMQ is recommended if you don’t have much load and you already have experience with this messaging system.ĪWS SQS is a fully managed message queuing service from AWS. However, some providers also have managed services for Kafka. It is also useful if you like to stay independent from your cloud provider. It is useful for both on-prem and private cloud deployments. This queue is used on the most of ThingsBoard production environments now. Kafka is recommended for production deployments. It is useful for development(PoC) environments and is not suitable for production deployments or any sort of cluster deployments.

docker-ce for mac

In Memory queue implementation is built-in and default.


How to choose the right queue implementation? ThingsBoard is able to use various messaging systems/brokers for storing the messages and communication between ThingsBoard services. You can choose any other images with different databases (see above). In this instruction thingsboard/tb-postgres image will be used. Note: Not recommended for any evaluation or production usage and is used only for development purposes and automatic tests. Thingsboard/tb - single instance of ThingsBoard with embedded HSQLDB database. The most performant and recommended option but requires at least 4GB of RAM. Thingsboard/tb-cassandra - single instance of ThingsBoard with Cassandra database. Recommended option for small servers with at least 1GB of RAM and minimum load (few messages per second). Thingsboard/tb-postgres - single instance of ThingsBoard with PostgreSQL database. Runningĭepending on the database used there are three type of ThingsBoard single instance docker images: Don’t forget to add your linux user to the docker group.

Docker-ce for mac